Job Market

Ways to Handle a Professional Transition

Mind the Gap
Good Preparation for a Career Transition Source:

Throughout your post-Maxwell School career in international relations or public administration you will likely have several different jobs. A recent Bureau of Labor Statistics study estimated that late-period Baby Boomers (1957-1964) will hold 11.3 jobs in their lifetime. Some Millennials are expected to hold 15-20 jobs during a career. (Personally, I’m on 6, depending on how you count different positions within the same company). Continue Reading

Advice for Job Market Shoppers

Mass Market Paperback Not Included
Something to bide your time. Source:

Regardless of whether you are a public administration or an international relations student, you will be on the job market before you think.

During your time here at Maxwell, we hope that you will also develop the professional skills necessary to succeed in the job search.

Thus, we wanted to share the following article about Going on the Job Market? by Professor Amanda Murdie of Kansas State University. Even though it is written for a doctoral audience, Professor Murdie gives some advice that is applicable for all graduate students and job seekers. Continue Reading

The Art of Informational Interviewing

It's not always this complex
A Social Network
Source: Wikipedia

Students are often intimidated by the idea of “networking” and feel that they should be able to compete successfully for a position based solely on their qualifications. While this is an honorable approach, it is especially necessary in today’s market to identify people in your field of expertise who you can use as contacts when looking for a professional position.  Continue Reading

More tips on International Development

Continuing on yesterday’s theme, in the same essay that she wrote on the international development landscape, APSIA alumna Michele Carter provided some additional advice to those of you thinking of international development work.  Continue Reading

Getting Started in International Development

Remember that it is a marathon and not a sprint
Getting started in Development

For those of you interested in working in the international development field, starting your search will involve more than just deciding on what the focus of your studies will be, but conceptualizing the development landscape to make sure that you are pointing your career search in the right direction.  Luckily, Michele Carter, an Association of Professional Schools in International Affairs (APSIA) aluma wrote an essay that can offer some additional tips to those of you interested in the field.

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International Affairs within the US Government

While the search for international affairs jobs in the U.S. government often starts with the Department of State, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and the Department of Defense, it doesn’t necessarily have to end there.  In 2013, the Robertson Foundation for Government, GovLoop, and the Association of Professional Schools in International Affairs (APSIA), published “Making an Impact_Guide to International Jobs in Government,” which provides details on the 50 federal agencies and offices that have international components.  If you are interested in working in the international arena for the US government, it behooves you to take a look.

Keys to Finding Internships

Remember that it is a marathon and not a sprint
Starting your search

As many of you started looking for internships over the winter holidays, I thought that would like some more detailed advice on how to approach the internship search.  Since internships are increasingly seen as entrance points into the job market, this advice is also applicable to the professional market.  Continue Reading

Rules for Washington

A Different Kind of Rules for Washington
Residence Act of 1790. Source: Library of Congress

Many of you will seek employment within the federal government structure within Washington, DC.  In an effort to prepare you for your work in that environment (or any similar political nerve center), I would like to share several Rules for Washington, written by Dr. Andrew Exum, formerly of the Center for New American Security.*

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Building a federal resume

When you have additional time on your hands, those of you who are interested in eventually working within the Federal Government may want to consider pulling together information for your federal resume (which may be substantially different than a private or non-profit resume). Continue Reading