Ways to Handle a Professional Transition

Mind the Gap
Good Preparation for a Career Transition Source: Wikipedia.org

Throughout your post-Maxwell School career in international relations or public administration you will likely have several different jobs. A recent Bureau of Labor Statistics study estimated that late-period Baby Boomers (1957-1964) will hold 11.3 jobs in their lifetime. Some Millennials are expected to hold 15-20 jobs during a career. (Personally, I’m on 6, depending on how you count different positions within the same company).

Thus, it is highly likely that you will all experience a job transition at some point in your career.  With this in mind, you might want to take a quick look at “In between jobs? Here are 8 ways to make the most of your transition,” recently posted on idealist careers. It is especially good advice for the transition between academia and the professional world at the end of a graduate program.